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Friday, December 21, 2012

May All That Is Holy Help Me, I Watched Part 2

I finally brought myself to watch the second half of that Michael Tsarion video.  Allow me to share the pain.

I went back and watched the tail end of the first one, to remember what he was talking about at the start of this one.  Basically, he is reading from someone else's website and well, all but worshiping at the altar of Terence McKenna.

He goes on to say that psychics haven't been able to see past 12/21/12.  I have to say, those are some crappy psychics.  I have to wonder if they're psychic at all, or just those who hear voices and go untreated and also buy into all this 12/21 nonsense.  I really do take issue with those in the psychic community who are being alarmist about this, as the ones who are alarmists tend to exhibit paranoid qualities.

Then he goes on to say that there are no Mayan horoscopes for after that day, that 12/21/12 is the last horoscope.  OK, it's also the end of the calendar.  So the next reading would be for the new round of the calendar, right?  It's like saying there are no more horoscopes in the newspaper because the person who writes them only wrote them so far in advance.  So when they hand in the advance columns, the world ends on the day after the last column they wrote.  It is stupid and any one of the myriad Mayan astrology websites out there will give you information for days after the 21st.  As a matter of fact, the horoscope he claims for the 21st actually gets repeated again in 2013, according to websites.

From here, he makes more claims he pulled from various websites, that we have heard before.  12 strands of DNA, 13 chakras, all of this happens now!  So by Monday, these are all claims debunked by doctors.  But I doubt that will stop him, as he insists on claiming the old myth, we only use 10% of our brains is true.

Then he goes on about a doctor named George Washington Crile.  He worked at the Cleveland Laboratories at once point.  He was a pioneering doctor, so he's a bit more than a footnote in history.  But he had a hypothesis, that each cell had a nucleus that was between  3,000° and 6,000° C.  About the only reference I can find to this is an old article from 1932 from Time Magazine.  I can't find anything that says it's true, other than New Age sites that quote that very article.  As a result, I'm going to assume that his hypothesis was false.  I think we would all know if each of our cells had a nucleus that was burning at that temperature.

Next he goes on about extremely low frequency signals and brain waves.  Doing a Google search on those terms, know what I got?  Conspiracy websites about the government trying to program our brains.  So let's put on our tin foil hats and move to the next part.

Next is a claim from some guy named Steven Hanaeur, who claims the Mayan calendar was not just based on galactic cycles but on our DNA?  He's a metaphysical teacher somewhere in North Carolina and well, at this point it's pretty obvious that Tsarion just did a web search, found pages that he felt backed up his insane claims and went with them, including authors you can't find information on, such as Mr. Hanauer.

We are so not in the photon belt anymore.  Now he's on about magnetic pole reversal.  Not something that is known to happen overnight.  The poles drift and shift all the time, well, the magnetic poles, that is.  But don't recalibrate your compass just yet.  This is something that can take thousands of years.  We so won't be around for it.

YES!  HAARP conspiracies are next!  He actually quotes a book named, "HAARP, The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy."  Now the evil government is going to project holograms of gods and demons in the sky today?  You know, if Jesus ever does come back, all the conspiracy theorists are going to insist it's a HAARP hologram to control our minds, it's not the real Jesus.  HAARP doesn't do any of the crap these people claim.  As a matter of fact, every few years, they hold an open house where the public can come see the set up, get a tour and ask questions.  If it was really so nefarious, would they do that?  But more to the point, he slips in a reference to children of the Nephalim?  Breaking through the stargate?  The children of the Nephalim are tyrants?  WTF is this guy on?

NOOOOOOOO!  The video ends there, meaning...  There is a part three.  I'm going to cry now.

We are less than an hour from sunrise in the Yucatan Peninsula.  Which is when the alignment is supposed to happen to usher in the end of the world.  Nibiru is going to swing around from the sun and defy all laws of physics and crash into us!  Asteroids are going to come pounding down!  Our DNA is going to change as we move into pure light in the photon belt!  Earthquakes!  Volcanoes!  Wait, no major earthquakes or volcanoes overnight?  Well damn, this is going to be yet another boring doomsday, isn't it?

But I'm still going to have to watch part three before the person who posted it takes it down out of embarrassment   Just to listen to the insanity.  Or not.  Maybe I'll just go for end of the world pancakes.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The WHAT Belt?

I seriously can't believe I haven't posted anything for most of the year.  I've started posts, I have a bunch of unfinished posts.  My mind just ends up trailing off, as my train of thought derails.

It is December, 2012.  So far, most of the end of the world crowd seems mostly quiet, at least on Facebook.  The forums at 2012 Hoax seem to be jumping, with people who are scared and people who are there to try to put their fears to rest.  But there is also a new thing.  Of course.

I am starting to see the 12/12/12 posts.  How it's the last synchronistic date we will see in our lifetimes. Um, what about 3/13/13?  Or 4/14/14?  Or do these people think the world is ending on the 21st?  I think dates that are anagrams are much more fun than repeating dates.

Synchronistic dates might be fun to write on a check, or even notice.  But they have no bearing on luck, they aren't mystical, they just are.  Unless we skip dates, they have to happen.  They will turn up in the simple progression of the calendar.

But the apocalyptic crowd is still out there.  Some of the claims about the 21st are beyond bizarre.

Such as, dark rift.  We aren't going to be passing through the nebulous clouds that block light from other parts of the galaxy, but the claims are the sun will align with the dark rift.  Would someone please tell me how aligning with a nebulous cloud will cause catastrophe on the planet?  It makes no sense.  Also, that alignment won't even be happening on the 21st.  This has also been happening since about 1970 and will continue for about another hundred years.  We align with these clouds every year, as in, the nebulous clouds, the sun and the Earth are in a straight line.  This has been happening every year since 1970.  Why would 2012 make things any different?

The one I just heard of is about a so-called photon belt.  A what?  Photons are particles of light.  Light moves in a straight line and keeps moving in that straight line.  But among those who are into the Pleiadian alien myths, this is going to happen.

See, this photon belt is circling a star called Alcyone in the Pleiades.  Or, depending on who you listen to, the photon belt circles all the Pleiades.  This information comes from those who claim to channel the Pleiadian aliens.  The photon belt was first claimed to exist by an engineer by the name of Paul Otto Hess, back in a book he wrote in 1950.  Since then, the alien crowds have been running with it.

The claim Hess made in his book was, if the Earth enters the photon belt first, eh, no biggie.  There will be a great light show.  But if the Sun enters first, watch out.  Solar flares will kill us all.

What bothers me about that statement is, why would the Earth, which is miniscule compared to the sun, manage to shield the sun from the supposed harmful effects of photons?  Also, since when do solar flares kill?  They have been known to cause power interruptions, but for the most part, they give us an amazing light show in the form of the aurora borealis.

Photons are simply particles of light.  We are bombarded by them every day.  Stars create most of the light that throws photons out into space.  So why would a photon belt, if one could even exist, be so harmful?

This hypothetical photon belt could exist, sort of.  If it was circling a black hole.  Not even light can escape a black hole and at the event horizon, everything starts spinning in a big spiral, until he finally reaches the point where it will be eaten by the black hole.  If the star Alcyone was a black hole, physicists would know it, as it's only about 370 light years away.  Which is another thing.  How could we enter a hypothetical circle of light that is 370 light years away in such a short time?  The light from Alcyone by now would be that of near another sun.  It would be beyond bright if we were that close.  Also, none of the stars would look right.  And we all know what the stars not aligning properly would mean.  Cthulhu and the elder gods.

However, science fact tells us the solar system is moving away from Alcyone.  Not closer.  There is zero chance of us hitting this supposed photon belt, no matter what the Pleiadian crowd tells you.

The beliefs of the Pleiadian crowd are insane.  They show that these people are duping those with a complete and utter ignorance of science.  I refuse to call these people stupid, because some very smart people want to believe in aliens coming to save us, want to believe these things.  However, their intelligence and knowledge is not in science.

You Tube is full of videos preying on these people.  The language used is all from the I AM/Ascended Masters movement.  These are people who are big on supposed channeling of the masters, of aliens, of whatever.  Fantasy seems to invade these channeling sessions regularly.  I'm not saying everyone is channeling only their inner fears and fantasies, but a number of them are.  When they do claim to be channeling Pleiadians, we are supposed to believe a race so much more advanced than we are and who can contact us Earthlings are so ignorant of the physics of the universe that they get the science wrong?  They've mastered interstellar travel, but are completely clueless about physics?

My big problem with all these movements is, the knowledge of science is stuck in the early 20th century, if even that advanced.  The following video makes some really insane claims.  How we are all beings of light.  No, we're not.  We are made of matter.  In my opinion, the entire being of light thing is based on someone misunderstanding when a science teacher told them in the most basic terms how we are all made of stardust.

Or not.  The video explains that when we go into the photon belt, we will lose our corporal bodies.  Well, considering the only real thing out there that would classify as a photon belt would be within event horizon of a black hole, that might be right.  As matter approaches a black hole, it stretches out in a process that is actually called spaghettification.  But we won't become beings of light, we won't be visiting the fourth dimension.

It also claims that we pass through the photon belt all the time.  No.  We would all be dead if we were on the event horizon of a black hole.  However, if you're paying attention, you will see that claim of spending time in the photon belt every month directly contradicts the claims of the guy who came before.

This video also has the nerve to call Jose Arguelles a researcher.  The dude was a writer who realized he would get rich quick off people whose egos won't allow them to understand how insignificant we are in the Universe.  He was in no way a scientist.  He especially wasn't an astrophysicist.  I'm not even touching the faulty biology in this.  Or how there are people who are among us who are really in the fourth dimension. (Where there are sixteen corners to have to clear out cobwebs, instead of just four.)  Or how all religion is from outer space.  Or the Illuminati crap.  But watch it.  If you want a laugh.  If you take it seriously though, you are on the wrong blog.  Thankfully, while the guy who is going on about the Illuminati is talking, the video cuts off.

Wait.  I AM going to discuss a bit of the faulty biology in this.  Our DNA and RNA are not going to replicate in the same fashions?  So our DNA is going to mutate?  Know what happens to people whose DNA mutates?  They get sick!  Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Disease and a host of other things are caused by DNA mutations.

Then we have this asshole.  Michael Tsarion is a hack and a sham and this video will make your brain explode.

He doesn't understand what the word photonics means.  It is the study and use of light, such as in fiber optics.  That is the most basic definition.  So I have to ask...  Photonic radiation?  You mean x-rays and radio waves?  Photonic energy is the highest form of light?  All light is made of photons!  And of those photon particles, gamma rays are the highest frequency of light. My brain is scrambling from these claims!

He claims the photon belt is like a cosmic car wash for the planet.  This reminds me of the comet scares of the past.  Photonic radiation that will wipe the planet clean of the dross?  Yeah, sunlight, which is comprised of traveling photons does have some cleansing properties.  But there are other things it causes to grow.  Seriously, I'm less than a minute into this video and I want to give myself a mental enema.  Did he just say something about the Atlanteans needing to vacate the planet?  It hurts!

His claims of the photon belt being found by satellites in 1961 and 1991 are pure malarky.  If you Google the Golden Nebula, you will find no scientific pages, just photon belt pages.  No satellite has found anything of the sort.  It would be huge news if it had.  The closest you're going to come to any hits that even pretend to be scientific in Google are a few artists renditions of a gold colored nebula.  NASA is very proud of the photos of nebulae that have been taken.  You will not find this nebula on their website, or any other.  The only nebula in Taurus is the Crab Nebula.  As you can see, it is not golden.

While not mentioned in the video, true believers think there is a conspiracy to cover this up.  No, it is not a conspiracy to cover this up.  If they were going to conspire to avoid mass panic, no one would be allowed to talk about the asteroid Apophis.  Astrophysicists are very open about the fact it could hit the Earth in 2036.  So why would they cover up the supposed photon belt?  Besides, if this nebula existed, any amateur astronomer with a decent backyard telescope would have seen it by now.  Taurus isn't all that far away, in the grand scheme of things.  It would be visible.

Then the claim we have to pass through the photon belt twice in a 26,000 year orbit.  Once to the north, once to the south?  Um...  I don't think Tsarion understands the actual process of precession.

According to this hack, we are going to be in this photon belt for two thousand years.  Somehow, we are going to zippy-zoomy to the constellation of Taurus by the end of the month, defying the speed of light and then just hang in this hypothetical belt for 2000 years.  He also claims that it's closer to the center of the galaxy, when we know it's not.  Then again, he can't even get the constellation right.  The Pleiades are a star cluster in the constellation of Taurus.  As a matter of fact, Taurus is out towards the rim, nowhere near the center of the galaxy.  Our solar system revolves around the center of the galaxy, as do most other stars.  (A few rogue stars, such as Arcturus  are working their way out of the galaxy.)  But this scam artist claims it is the central sun of our galaxy.  The center of our galaxy is a black hole.  Period.

As an aside, But I do love the way he slides in with his graphic, (but without using the actual words,) these 2000 years of being in the photonic energy band being when we enter the age of Aquarius.  According to astronomers, (as opposed to astrologers,) we're still about 600 years away from the age of Aquarius.  So don't hold your breath.

This doesn't only tie in with modern Pleiadian mythology.  It ties in with modern Mayan mythology.  The modern claim is the Mayans believed we rotated around Alcyone.  However, it is modern New Age books that make that claim, as far as I know, no actual scholars have said this.

He either has no idea what the Fibonacci sequence is, or he is duping people who think his mention of it make him sound intelligent.  He claims all organic life is based on this sequence.  The Fibonacci sequence has to do with addition and each number is the sum of the two numbers before it.  Yes, it works in nature, through reproduction.  However, not all of nature is based on this series of numbers.

Then he goes on that we're entering a belt of radiation?  The planet is surrounded by a belt of radiation.  It's called the Van Allen Belt.  Hey, the Van Allen Belt is made up of trapped particles of protons and neutrons.  We're not going to pass through a radiation belt.  We're already surrounded by one. So how will this light energy alter the electrons in the Van Allen Belt?  This is high school stuff right now.  ~sigh~

OK, next he contradicts himself and says that some "scholars," (read crackpot authors,) say we entered the mythological photon belt in 1962.  That if the Sun enters first, we will be plunged into darkness.  If the Earth enters first, then we get a light show.  Um...  A belt of pure light is going to plunge the Sun into darkness and do bad things to it?  But we entered this area in 1962 and got neither the darkness, nor the light show?  Light bodies?  We will all take on a nice, radioactive glow and darkness will seize to be?  The sale of sleep masks are going to skyrocket!

We will get another 42 pairs of chromosomes?  Oh wait, make that 41, because there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, according to the human genome pattern.  The last pair indicates gender.  We would seize to be human if that we were to suddenly develop that many extra chromosomes.  Oh wait, that's when we get our "light bodies."  Waiter, whatever Mr. Tsarion is smoking, I'll take two.

All I can say about this supposed Leviathan Cycle is, the Google hits you will get have to do wtih RPGs and well, cycling to lose weight.  So this tangent is something that seems to have been pulled out of thin air.  Especially since that is not a Leviathan in the image, but an Ouroboros. Leviathan was a sea monster in the Bible.

I don't even know where to start on how many ways he's wrong about the pentagram.  The five points represent head, arms, legs.  Think Da Vinci's famous drawing.  But of course, it has to have a nefarious meaning with this gloom and doom crowd.

Next he starts with the Sun aligns with the galactic central point.  If we are just talking about the Sun, then it is always aligned with the central galactic point, as they are two points on the galactic map.  It will always be a straight line.  It will be aligned with any other point in the galaxy.  This is basic geometry, for the love of all that is holy.  I will stress again, every year around December, the Earth, Sun and center of the galaxy are in alignment.  There is nothing special about it happening again this year.  I think he means the galactic central plane.  Which is the disk of the galaxy, not the center of the galaxy.  The center of the galaxy is a black hole. With which, if you draw a line from the black hole to the Sun, will show a straight line alignment.  This is why Saggitarius is not in the center of the galaxy, we wouldn't be able to see it if it was, but the closest constellation to the band of the Milky Way, which is the disk of the central plane.  Got it?

Then the bit about sunrise on the 21st, how it will be back off center.  Unless you're in an Equatorial region on the planet, the Sun will never be on center.  I really want to know what "researchers" he means when he said some researchers think this is a sign of the end times.  They have zero background in astronomy, I can tell you that.  Oh wait, he's not talking about the Sun being due east, he's claiming it's a galactic alignment.  Nope.  According to this, the claim is impossible.

Then he gets into the galactic equator stuff.  The galactic equator is a made up term for astronomers to map the sky.  As far as passing through the galactic plane, we are above the plane by around 75 to 100 light years.  We won't be passing down through the plane again for around another 30 million years.

Now, as far as the ancients knowing about the center of the galaxy, we are talking about people who believed the Sun and the planets revolved around the Earth.  Several civilizations thought it was a path to the afterlife.  The Chinese saw a correlation between yearly rains and the band of the galaxy.  But even they weren't advanced enough to not attach a myth to it.

The video ends with him talking about John Major Jenkins, a self-professed expert on all things Mayan.  I have no problem with calling yourself an expert, if your work holds up to peer review.  However, most of Jenkins claims are out there and he has turned them into a tourist industry.

Oh goody.  There is a second half to the video.  I'm not sure I'm up to watching it at the moment.  But I'm sure I will and I'm sure it will inspire me to rant.

Before I close, I have to get into the entire Pleiadian thing for a second.  It was a hoax perpetuated by a Swiss farmer named Billy Meier.  He claimed contact with aliens from the Pleiades.  He took photos of some of the Golddiggers from the "Dean Martin Show" from his TV, which made them nice and blurry and insisted they were the aliens who visited him.  He has been exposed as a hoaxer, but his messages from the Pleiadians took off in New Age circles and thanks to him, we have all these people who have created a new mythology about the Pleiadians and people who claim to channel Pleiadians.  All based on a hoax that fed into their fantasy.

For those who truly believe there are habitable planets in the Pleiades.  The Pleiades are all blue giants.  The hottest and among the youngest stars out there.  They cannot support life as we know it.

So, if you have been buying into this photon belt bullshit, rest assured that it is just mythology.